Prof. HG Merz, hg merz architekten museumsgestalter, Stuttgart/Berlin
"ALTGIER I NEUGIER Cupidity for the old I Curiosity for the new"
Prof. Hans Günter Merz of hg merz architekten museumsgestalter speaks about "ALTGIER | NEUGIER Cupidity for the old | Curiosity for the new”
Date: Thursday, 14 March 2013, 7 pm
Location: Campus Rainvilleterrasse, ground floor, Rainvilleterrasse 4, 22765 Hamburg
Prof. HG Merz, hg merz architects and museum display designers
Architect, museum display designer and curator. Diploma with distinction from Stuttgart Technical University in 1975. Prize for special services to science awarded by Friends of Stuttgart University. 1975 to 1976, Research Associate on the “Building with waste” research project; this was followed by “Field studies on experimental construction in the USA”. Established offices in Stuttgart and Berlin (1981, 1993). Appointed Professor of exhibition design at Pforzheim University in 1993. Since 2008, Professor of conceptual and experimental design at Darmstadt Technical University.