Chris van Duijn
Fondazione Prada: exploring typologies for art
Chris van Duijn of OMA, Rotterdam spoke about "Fondazione Prada: exploring typologies for art"
Date: Wednesday, 11. November 2015, 7 pm
Location: Campus Rainvilleterrasse, ground floor,
Rainvilleterrasse 4, 22765 Hamburg
Chris van Duijn
Chris van Duijn joined OMA in 2000 and is based in Rotterdam. He has been involved in many of OMA’s most renowned projects including Universal Studios in Los Angeles, the Prada stores in New York and Los Angeles (2001), Casa da Musica in Porto (2005) and CCTV Headquarters in Beijing (2012). In addition to large-scale and complex projects, he has worked on interiors and small-scale projects including private houses, product design and temporary structures such as the Prada Transformer in Seoul (2009). Currently he is overseeing several projects under construction including the Fondazione Prada in Milan, the Parc des Expositions in Toulouse, a house in Rotterdam and product development projects. Van Duijn holds a Master of Architecture from the Technical University of Delft.