Prof. Almut Grüntuch-Ernst, Grüntuch Ernst Architekten, Berlin
Building Knowledge
Prof. Almut Grüntuch-Ernst, Grüntuch Ernst Architects, Berlin, spoke about "Building Knowledge"
Date: Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 7 pm
Location: Campus Rainvilleterrasse, ground floor, Rainvilleterrasse 4, 22765 Hamburg
Prof. Almut Grüntuch- Ernst, Grüntuch Ernst Architects
Born in Stuttgart in 1966. Studies of Architecture and Urban Development at the TU Stuttgart (diploma), DAAD scholarship for the Architectural Association, London. 1988-1989 at the office Alsop & Lyall in London, founding with Armand Grüntuch the office Grüntuch Ernst Architects in Berlin in 1991. Regular lectures and judge at competitions. Commissioner of the German Contribution at International Architecture Exhibition in Venice in 2006. Since 2010 member of the committee for town planning in Munich, chair at the Institute for Design and Architectural Strategies at the TU Braunschweig since 2011.