Tehran City Garden

Designs for a New Civic Centre – Shaping Public Life on the City’s Former Airport Area

Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer

29.09.2017 Workshop-Teilnehmer

Schlusskritik und Evaluierung der Workshoparbeiten

Photos: jochen stüber objektfotografie

    Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer Tehran City Garden - Workshop-Teilnehmer
Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich

Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich

Viggo Haremst of Henning Larsen Architects, Munich spoke about "Human Interaction"

Photos: jochen stüber objektfotografie

    Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich Tehran City Garden - Viggo Haremst, Henning Larsen Architects, Munich
Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin

Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin

Prof. Enrique Sobejano of Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin spoke about "The space of culture"

Photos: jochen stüber objektfotografie

    Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin Tehran City Garden - Prof. Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid, Berlin
Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo

Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo

Jette Cathrin Hopp of Snøhetta, Oslo spoke about "People Process Projects"

Photos: jochen stüber objektfotografie

    Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo Tehran City Garden - Jette Cathrin Hopp, Snøhetta, Oslo