Designs for a New Civic Centre – Shaping Public Life on the City’s Former Airport Area
Tehran City Garden
aac Workshop, Tehran, Iran
04 September until 29 September 2017
Documentation of results (web-optimised)
The autumn workshop 2017 of the aac Academy for Architectural Culture for the first time was dedicated to the architecture and cultural exchange between Germany and Iran. For this, the integration of Iran’s first airfield, the former Qale Morghi military airfield, into the capital Tehran’s urban life was chosen as workshop assignment. A scenario currently being discussed in Tehran. Thus,
aac was again able to work on a workshop assignment close to reality of which the results make a valuable contribution to the public in Tehran.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Volkwin Marg
Hubert Nienhoff
Academy for Architetural Culture
Campus Rainvilleterrasse
Rainvilleterrasse 4
22765 Hamburg
Editorial staff
Nima Ghahreman, Annika Göttle, Christine Graff,
Enno N. Maass, Anja Meding, Stine Müller
Design concept
ON Grafik, Hamburg