Prof. Uwe R. Brückner, Atelier Brückner, Stuttgart

Prof. Uwe R. Brückner, Atelier Brückner, Stuttgart

Lecture "Museum of the 21st century - how to stage the past, the present and the future"

Prof. Uwe R. Brückner of Atelier Brückner, Stuttgart spoke about "Museum of  the 21st century - how to stage the past, the present and the future"
Uwe R. Brückner's reflection on urban scenography.

Date: Thursday, 16th March 2017, 7 pm
Campus Rainvilleterrasse, ground floor, Rainvilleterrasse 4, 22765 Hamburg

Prof. Uwe R. Brückner
Atelier Brückner, Stuttgart
On both the national and international level, Uwe R. Brückner is widely regarded as an opinion leader in the area of exhibition design and planning and development of narrative spatial concepts. On the basis of his design philosophy "form follows content", he has created more than 100 exhibition sets and worlds of experience for museums and corporate brands. His creative aspiration is to use stories and content to form spatial works of art that get right to the core of the content and are able to address visitors emotionally and intellectually through all of their senses. Uwe R. Brückner studied architecture at the TU München and costume and stage design at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. He is co-founder of the ATELIER BRÜCKNER in 1997 and professor for scenography at the Institute for Interior Design and Scenography (FHNW) in Basel and at Tongji University in Shanghai.